Beyond (or not) the teacher’s manual
teacher’s manual, reasoning teaching, mediation, externalization.Abstract
This study aims to analyze the extent to which a novice teacher follows (or not) the classroom practices suggested in the teacher’s manual he works with, and to uncover the reasoning behind his practice when not doing so, as a manner to understand what aspects tend to mediate his practice. To do so, three classes of a novice teacher from the English Extracurricular Program of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina were observed, being followed by interviews in which a more experienced peer teacher inquired into the participant’s reasoning. Also, the participant answered three questionnaires about his perceptions in relation to the use of the textbook and the teacher’s manual. Results show that the teacher’s practice is mediated by concepts and beliefs regarding teaching which tend to be unconscious, thus needing to be externalized and assessed so they can be uncovered, understood, and possibly modified.
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