Applied linguistics and additional language teaching
applied linguistics, teachers, post-method.Abstract
This article aims to highlight the importance of applied linguistics (AL) knowledge in the continuous construction of pedagogical practices involving language teaching and learning and, through the relationship between teaching methods and approaches, and the research development in AL, to show how the teacher’s role has changed, from the beginning of LA to what has been called today the Post-method – Prabhu (1990), Kumaravadivelu (1994, 2001) and Celani (2009). In this scenario, it is the teacher who determines – or should determine – which method/approach will be most profitable, based on the investigation of its context and not a priori. It is hoped that this work will contribute to the additional language teacher’s reflection on their classroom practices – why, what for, how and what to teach –, to transform them, to educate themselves critically-reflexively and to become, in fact, a teacher-researcher.
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