In the Power of the Spirit: Micah 3,8


  • Flávio Schmitt Faculdades EST


Micah, Prophet, Justice, Spirit of Yahweh.


At all times, prophets have shown that their word is indispensable for the evolution of the human being and the society in which they are inserted. In the case of the prophets of the people of Israel, witnessed in the Old Testament, this word is further emphasized by the irreducible commitment to justice and law in the name of Yahweh. In this context, the prophets who worked in the eighth century before Christ acquire special relevance. Among these prophets is the word of Micah. Micah acted in the Kingdom of Judah, at a delicate time in the political life of his people. The present text has as its object the word of Micah 3,8. The verse is subjected to exegetical analysis. The purpose is to contribute to the study and understanding of the prophetic commitment that emanates from this word.

Author Biography

Flávio Schmitt, Faculdades EST

Dr Ciências da Religião

Professor Faculdades EST


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