Psychoanalytic Care of Pregnant Women in the Context of an Ambulatory: The Experience of Words Group
Maternal behavior, psychoanalysis, pregnancy, outpatient clinics.Abstract
Pregnancy is a moment of significant changes in the life of women, involving affects, fantasies and expectations related to birth and the baby. The existence of a place in which people can talk, and the pregnant woman can somehow elaborate such psychic contents, may help the process of building the mothering position, and also the preparation to birth and interaction with the baby. The present work is a proposal for reflection resulting from the experience developed in the Grupo de Palavras [Words Group] – space in which pregnant women can talk and share experiences on questions regarding pregnancy, and which took place at an ambulatory waiting room – the purpose being that of discussing nuances of the psychic process involved in the construction of being a mother and the possibility of elaborating such a process through speaking, as well as the challenges of psychoanalytical hearing in ambulatory contexts.Downloads
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How to Cite
Vilas Boas, L. M., Braga, M. C. da C., & Chatelard, D. S. (2012). Psychoanalytic Care of Pregnant Women in the Context of an Ambulatory: The Experience of Words Group. Psico, 44(1). Retrieved from