Occupational stress, Burnout and patient safety culture in perioperative units
patient safety, occupational health, occupational stress, burnout professional, perioperative careAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between occupational stress, Burnout and safety culture of health professionals in perioperative units. Cross-sectional study, developed with health professionals from a teaching hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. A questionnaire containing biosocial and work characteristics was used; the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, the Job Stress Scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was used. 146 health professionals participated in the study, who negatively assessed the patient’s safety culture (mean = 63.8). Professionals predominant in high demand work (40.4%), with high emotional exhaustion (34.9%), high depersonalization (44.5%) and high professional performance (40.4%). There was a low and negative correlation between depersonalization (p = -0.254), psychological demand (p = -0.246) and the perception of safety culture. Having professional accomplishments had a low and positive correlation with safety culture (p = 0.256). The occurrence of occupational stress and burnout has a significant inverse correlation with the safety culture.
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