Bifactor analysis of the rosenberg self-esteem scale in morbid obesity
self-esteem, morbid obesity, bariatric surgery, psychometricsAbstract
Self-esteem is a set of feelings and thoughts a person has about his/her own worth and competence, which is reflected in a positive or negative attitude toward himself/herself. This study examined the factor structure of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale with scores of 288 obese brazilian women waiting for bariatric surgery. Psychometric studies have found controversial results regarding the factor structure of this measure with samples from different profiles. In this investigation, the unifactor, two-oblique-factor and bifactor models were tested by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results clearly support the existence of a single dimension for the scale, but also for the method effects relating to the positively and negatively worded items. Further investigations with the inclusion of obese males are suggested.
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