Optimism and benefit finding in caregivers of children with cancer
caregivers, optimism, post-traumatic growth, children, oncologyAbstract
In order to analyze the relationship between optimism and benefit finding in caregivers of children with cancer, a convenience sample with 60 caregivers was made up, with an average age of 36.5 (DP=9.17), 81.7 women, in a referral hospital. The tools used were: Life Orientation Test, Post-traumatic Growth Inventory and socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire. After the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, the positive correlation between optimism and benefit finding (perception of resources and personal skills) was observed. Optimism and benefit finding were also associated with clinical and socio-demographic variables: married caregivers and with children without chemotherapy reported greater benefit finding; and caregivers whose children had a longer treatment period turned out to be more optimistic and with greater benefit finding. It is concluded that individual and clinical characteristics should be considered in interventions focused on reframing the experience of having a child with cancer and the growth face to adversities.
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