Psychometric Study Of The Scale Of Interests By Areas Of Psychology - EIAPsi




vocational guidance, professional interests, higher education, psychological assessment, psychological tests.


Students of Psychology must make professional choices during the course and may experience a harrowing period. The objective of this article was to search for evidence of validity and precision for the Psychology Interests Range by Areas of Psychology (EIAPsi) and to verify the differences of gender and period of the course in the averages of interests. Participated 980 psychology students who answered an EIAPsi. The results presented are 11 factors as best structure for EIAPsi, which are good indexes of precision. She noted that women scored more than men in the areas of Health and Legal, and the body was observed in the area of Teaching and Research. End-of-course students have a more discriminated interests profile than others. From the obtained results, the viability of the use of EIAPsi by students of Psychology in the Brazilian context can be used.


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Author Biographies

Rodolfo Augusto Matteo Ambiel, Universidade São Francisco, SP

Doutor em Psicologia

Gustavo Henrique Martins, Universidade São Francisco, SP

Mestrando em Psicologia


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How to Cite

Ambiel, R. A. M., & Martins, G. H. (2019). Psychometric Study Of The Scale Of Interests By Areas Of Psychology - EIAPsi. Psico, 50(4), e32840.




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