The reflexive function in adolescents in conflict with the law and school adolescents


  • Taís Cristina Favaretto Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, RS
  • Luciane Maria Both Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, RS
  • Sílvia Pereira da Cruz Benetti Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, RS



puberty, juvenile delinquecy, psychotherapeutic techniques.


Reflexive Function is identified as an important construct for psychopathological understanding and for clinical practice. The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about Reflexive Function in adolescents with different trajectories: a group of adolescents in conflict with the law (G1=91, M age=16.57 years, SD=0.77) and a group of teenager students (G2=64, M age=15,89 anos, SD=0,75). Instruments were a Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire, the Questionnaire on Reflexive Function for Young People and the Strenghts and Difficulties Questionnaire. Ninety-one non-clinical adolescents and 95 clinical teenagers took part in the study. Univariate analysis showed significant differences in the Reflexive Function considering the interaction between the G1 and G2 variables and the clinical and nonclinical categories. Thus, non-clinical G2 presented a greater reflex function (M=8.60, SD=0.68, F=4.66, p<0.05), followed by clinical G1 (M=8.29, SD=0.68). This characteristic in the clinical group of adolescents in conflict with the law points to hyper-inhalation. It is pointed out the need for evaluation and development of the Reflexive Function as prevention in mental health.


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How to Cite

Favaretto, T. C., Both, L. M., & Benetti, S. P. da C. (2019). The reflexive function in adolescents in conflict with the law and school adolescents. Psico, 50(1), e28320.




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