Communication persuasive techniques in food commercials for the Brazilian audience


  • Lucas Paulo Rigoni Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Luciana Karine de Souza Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Keitiline R. Viacava Decision Making Lab
  • Lisiane Bizarro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Propaganda, Food, Persuasive communication.


Television audience is exposed to a large amount of messages aiming at persuasion to choose a particular product. The high proportion of unhealthy food advertisements can influence eating habits and contribute to obesity. The objective of this study was to identify communication persuasive techniques in advertisements for unhealthy foods on open television. Persuasive techniques reported in the literature were searched in 19 advertisements from Brazilian TV. The most frequent techniques found were convenience, quality, taste, social value, and fun. Mood elevation, award-winning offer, animated characters, and health appeal were also observed, consistent with results of previous studies. These results reinforce the pertinence of the psychological study of persuasive techniques. Identification of such techniques can contribute to programs aimed at individuals facing health problems such as obesity, diabetes or hypertension. They can also support preventive actions to educate the population about the importance of more conscious and, possibly, healthy choices.


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How to Cite

Rigoni, L. P., Souza, L. K. de, Viacava, K. R., & Bizarro, L. (2018). Communication persuasive techniques in food commercials for the Brazilian audience. Psico, 49(3), 274–284.




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