Perception of Brazilian and Spanish mothers about behavior problems in children with ADHD


  • Ana Flávia Lima Teles da Hora Universidade Ceuma
  • Concepción López Universidad de Murcia
  • Petruska Oliveira Baptista Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Simone Souza da Costa Silva Universidade Federal do Pará



Behavior problems, Cross-cultural comparison, ADHD, CBCL.


Understanding the severity of the behavior problems can result in the development of the child throughout life, the aim of this study was to compare the perception of mothers in relation to behavior problems listed in the CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist) in two clinical samples composed of Brazilian and Spanish children diagnosed with ADHD. Method: The study is an exploratorydescriptive, documental, retrospective, cross-sectional, quantitative nature of the medical records treated between 2010 to April 2015 at the Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca – Murcia/Spain, and the Hospital Universitário Bettina Ferro de Souza – Belém/Brasil. Results: The Brazilian mothers reported significantly higher scores on four scales compared to the Spanish mothers, and in the other, the scores were relatively similar in both cultures. Conclusion: cross-cultural studies have been essential to a better understanding of the similarities and differences in perceptions of people living in different cultures.


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Author Biography

Ana Flávia Lima Teles da Hora, Universidade Ceuma

Doutora no Núcleo de Teoria e Pesquisa do Comportamento pela UFPA. Mestre (2011) Teoria e Pesquisa do Comportamento pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Psicóloga(2008). Realizou estágio de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior como bolsista CAPES na Universidad de Murcia e no Hospital Clínico Universitário Virgen de la Arrrixaca - Espanha (2014-2015). Como professora, leciona em cursos de Graduação de Psicologia, Contábeis e Administração na Universidade Ceuma.


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How to Cite

da Hora, A. F. L. T., López, C., Baptista, P. O., & Silva, S. S. da C. (2017). Perception of Brazilian and Spanish mothers about behavior problems in children with ADHD. Psico, 48(3), 163–173.




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