“Does Mother Thinks Baby Feels Everything, doesn’t She?”: Maternal Conceptions about Children’s Socioemotional and Communicative Skills


  • Laísy Lima Nunes Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Fabíola Sousa Braz Aquino Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Pompéia Villachan-Lyra Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco




Maternal perceptions, Socioemotional development, Communication skills, Babies.


The maternal perception and infant answers about emotions, affections and communication are important for the initial development of orientation to the world. Thus, this study aimed to identify how mothers perceive the ability of the baby to feel and to express emotions. Participants were 20 mothers of four months babies and 20 mothers of 9 months babies. A sociodemographic questionnaire and an adapted version of the Infant Intentionality Questionnaire in an interview format were used. It was found that most mothers perceive their infants as being able to feel and to express emotions. The main behaviors reported by mothers as forms of child emotional expression were cry, smile, look, facial expressions, gestures and vocalizations. It is expected that knowledge about maternal perceptions of specific skills of babies and the access to useful methodological tools make possible professionals performances in the education and health areas.


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How to Cite

Nunes, L. L., Aquino, F. S. B., & Villachan-Lyra, P. (2015). “Does Mother Thinks Baby Feels Everything, doesn’t She?”: Maternal Conceptions about Children’s Socioemotional and Communicative Skills. Psico, 46(2), 243–253. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-8623.2015.2.17983




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