Assessing Values from Behavioral Reports: Psychometric Evidences of a New Measure
Medida, Valores, Comportamentos, Validade, Precisão.Abstract
This study aimed to gather evidence of factorial validity and internal consistency of a new instrument to measure values, taking into account the functional theory of values. Its items express the values as self-reported behaviors, being less abstract than previous instruments. The study included 388 individuals aged 14-25 years (mean=19,0 SD=2.5), regularly enrolled in public education. They answered the measure of values composed by 54 items and demographic questions. Results provided empirical support for the proposed measure, which permitted to corroborate the content (values grouped in six sub-functions) and structure (values organized around two axes, orientation and motivator) hypotheses based on this theory. In conclusion, the instrument described presented itself as adequate, being useful to measure values in people with low educational level, who are beneficed to deal with contextualized items, which demand less abstraction and cognitive capacity.Downloads
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