Effects of resonance tubes for the voice of elderly
Voice, Voice Training, Voice Quality, AgingAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the effects of the resonance tube technique on the voice of elderly choristers. Methods: this was a randomized crossover clinical trial that evaluated the immediate and short-term effects of resonance tubes. Two choirs, one female and one male, participated in the study, totaling 25 choristers. Participants were randomized into two groups, the fi rst starting with the resonance tube technique and the second with the vocal hygiene workshop. Before and after each intervention, the choristers were evaluated by measuring the maximum phonation times and vocal samples were recorded for later auditory-perceptual evaluation and acoustic analysis of the voice. After performing the exercise with the resonance tube, the participants were also asked about their vocal self-perception and if there was any feeling of discomfort. Results: there were no statistical differences when comparing the results of intra and intergroup assessments. However, a slight reduction in noise levels can be observed after the exercise with the resonance tube. In addition, more than half of the participants reported that voice production was easier, clearer and more stable. Conclusion: the resonance tube technique has been shown to promote positive effects for the voice of elderly choristers. Among them, greater phonatory comfort and an easier emission were reported by the study participants, suggesting, therefore, that the technique can be used as a strategy for the care and maintenance of vocal health in amateur choirs. Mudar aqui de acordo com as mudanças anteriores.
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