Contributions of Music for Elderly People
A Systematic Review
Elderly, Music, Systematic ReviewAbstract
Objective: to review the literature on the benefits of music for the elderly in the last 10 (ten) years. Methodology: the search for studies was carried out in databases related to the area, in the reference list of articles and by contacting authors. The systematic review included original articles published in peer-reviewed journals, cross-sectional and longitudinal intervention studies that investigated music and the elderly, available in Portuguese, English and Spanish, published from January 2010 to 2021. between descriptors using the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”. The entire process of selection and evaluation of articles was carried out by peers. Results: 20 studies were selected for analysis. They were incisive about the benefits that music brings to the physical and mental capacities of the participants, as well as the interest in life in old age, in addition to the re-signification of lived moments and pleasure in memory. Conclusion: The studies brought positive results for music associated with the elderly in different environments, and fostered the interpersonal relationships of these elderly people.
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