Clinical characterization of elderly with stomia attended reference consultation at a reference center
ostomy, aging, nursing care, aged, rectal neoplasms, chronic diseaseAbstract
Objective: to characterize the clinical profile of elderly with ostomy treated in nursing consultations at a reference center.
Method: descriptive study with quantitative approach, the sample was composed by 171 people. The research was carried out in a reference center for ostomies treatment during nursing consultations. The datas were collected during the period of April 2018 to April 2019 and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics.
Results: regarding the patients who attended the nursing consultations in the analyzed period, it was observed that the average age among them was 71.6 years, without difference between genders. The most frequent ostomy was colostomy (63.15%) and the predominant neoplasm was malignant neoplasm of the rectum (31.58%). Only 6 (3.51%) patients had ostomy due to diverticular disease of the large intestine with perforation and abscess. The main reason for the consultation was to exchange the ostomy bag, 570 (62.10%), followed by the request for an evaluation, 102 (11.11%). The number of nursing consultations by gender reveals that elderly women seek less for nursing care compared to men.
Conclusion: the knowledge regarding the descriptions of the ostomized elderly will make it possible to produce a better planning of assistance to them, ensuring more quality and efficacy in the treatment by the stoma nurse from the Reference Center.
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