Evaluation of systems of sensory regulation of body balance and risk of fall of adult and elderly physically active
Aging, Postural Balance, Accidental Falls.Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To examine the sensory performance of static and dynamic balance regulation and the risk of falling in physically active adult and elderly women.
METHOD: This is a non-probabilistic and intentional cross-sectional study. Thirty four women (51.90±15.84 years) enrolled in a gym attended. The population evaluated was stratified in age groups: 20-59 years (n=18) and 60 69 years (n=16). The gait was evaluated by the Time Up and Go (TUGs), Time Up and Go manual (TUGm), and Time Up and Go cognitive (TUGc), the balance by the Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) and Body Balance Test (TEC). RESULTS: Student’s t-test showed significant differences between age groups for comorbidities: hearing, vision, vertigo, labyrinthitis (p≤0.05). Comparatively, adult women showed better performance indices than older women in physical tests. According to the standards of the tests, there was no risk of falling for any group. However, regardless of age, a detailed examination of the TEC test showed a deficit in the sensory regulation of the visual, vestibular and somatosensory systems of the static and dynamic balance of fallers and non fallers (p≤0.05). The logistic regression analysis indicated the interoceptive regulation of the dynamic balance as a predictor of fall (p≤0.05). CONCLUSION: Deficits in the vestibular and somatosensory systems gradually potentiate the risk of falls in adult and elderly women, even if they remain physically active.
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