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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the journal's formatting requirements according to the "Guidelines for Authors"found in the "Submissions" section.
  • It is mandatory to fill in the Article Cover, with the article information. This document must be forwarded separately at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines


The author must keep his/her registration profile up to date, and when submitting a new text, completely fill in the information items indicated below under “Submission Conditions”.

The contribution must be original and unpublished, and not being considered for publication by another journal. If this is not the case, please explain in the “Comments to the editor” when submitting the text on the portal.

The publication of manuscripts is subject to approval by reviewers. The originality of the treatment of the theme, the consistency and rigor of the approach, and its contribution to the thematic line are taken into account. The names of the reviewers will remain confidential, the names of the authors being omitted from the reviewers.

The spontaneous submission of manuscripts and their subsequent acceptance for publication automatically imply the transfer of rights for the first publication to the Journal. Intellectual copyright remains with the author. Any subsequent reproduction, by any means, may only be made upon prior understanding between the Journal and the author and with the proper citation of the source.

The concepts expressed in the manuscripts are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflec the opinion of the Editorial Committee and the Editorial Board.


Authors are requested to carefully follow all the instructions for preparing the article. Only manuscripts that strictly comply with the specified standards will be sent to reviewers.

The text must contain the title, abstracts and keywords in the languages ​​indicated by the journal.

Articles should be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and in a clear and concise style.

Articles must be typed in Word format (Microsoft Office), on A4-size page, configured with 1.5 spacing and 2.5 cm lateral margins, and in Times New Roman 12 font.

Use the Tab key or AutoFormat to create indentation at the beginning of paragraphs, not the space key.

The pages must be numbered, starting on the cover page, which will be page 1.

The size of each document must not exceed 2 MB.

The order is as follows for all manuscripts: COVER PAGE, RESUMO, PALAVRAS-CHAVE, ABSTRACT, KEY WORDS, RESUMEN, PALABRAS CLAVE, TEXT, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if any), REFERENCES, TABLES, FIGURES. See below for details on the preparation of each of these elements in "MANUSCRIPT STRUCTURE".

Submit the approval by the Research Ethics Committee as a supplementary document.

Units of measurement must follow the International System of Measurements.

Acronyms of compound terms can be used if the term appears at least five times in the text. In the first citation, the term must be written in full, followed by the acronym in parentheses. Do not use acronyms in summaries and abstracts.

In the first citation of trademarks, write the name of the manufacturer and the place of manufacture (city, country) in parentheses.

The journal PAJAR  suggests that the Equator network standards be adopted for writing research articles, which can be consulted at


  1. Cover Page

1.1 Title: must be concise and explanatory and cannot exceed 150 characters including spaces; must be presented in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

1.2 Short title: maximum 70 characters including spaces; must be presented in the language in which the article was written.

1.3 Authors: full name, affiliation: institution, city, state and country (in no case should affiliations be accompanied by the authors' titles or mini-curricula), e-mail and ORCID (authors who do not have the registration must do so:; a maximum of 7 authors will be accepted.

1.4 Corresponding author: name, full institutional postal address and e-mail for publication in the journal.

1.5 Individual Author Contributions  

When texts have more than one author, they should contain a brief description of their respective contributions.  

As an authorship criterion, according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (see the website, it is mandatory that it be based on four criteria:  

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the study; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of engagement data;  
  2. preparation of preliminary versions of the manuscript or critical review of important intellectual content;  
  3. final approval of the version to be published; and  
  4. agreeing to be responsible for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions relating to the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved.  

All those designated as authors must meet all four criteria for authorship, and all those who meet all four criteria must be identified as authors.  

Contributors who do not meet all four criteria for authorship described above should not be listed as authors, but should be explicitly acknowledged in the Acknowledgments session.  

1.6 Declaration of conflicts of interest and financial support  

PAJAR requires all authors to individually declare any potential conflict of interest and/or any type of financial support for the study obtained in the last three years or in the foreseeable future. This statement includes, but is not limited to, the purchase and sale of stocks, grants, grants, jobs, affiliations, royalties, inventions, relationships with funding organizations (governmental, commercial, non-professional, ...), classes, lectures for industries pharmaceuticals, patents (solicited, registered, under review or preparation) or travel; regardless of the amount involved. If one or more authors have no conflicts of interest to declare, this needs to be explicitly informed (eg NAME OF AUTHOR(S) have no conflicts of interest to declare). Authors interested in further information on this topic can read an editorial published in the British Medical Journal entitled "Beyond conflict of interest", which is available at:  

Conflicts of interest and statements of financial support should be written in a separate topic entitled "Conflicts of Interest" after the section "Individual Author Contributions".  

1.7 Registration of clinical trials  

Before submitting a manuscript from a clinical trial, it needs to be registered in a public database of clinical trial records. A clinical trial is defined here as any research that prospectively recruits human beings or groups to receive one or more interventions (pharmacological or not), in order to assess their impact on health. These trials can be recorded before or during the recruitment of volunteers. To be considered valid, a database of clinical trials registries must be freely accessible to the public, must have mechanisms that make it electronically searchable, must be open to the registration of all prospective trials, and must be managed by a not-for-profit agency. Some examples are the National Institutes of Health Clinical Trials (, the Nederlands Trial Register (, the UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (http://www. and the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (, among others. The name of the study and its URL, the name of the clinical trial registration base and its URL, as well as the registration number of the study must be described immediately after the section "Declaration of conflicts of interest and financial support".  

Note: The cover page will be removed from the file provided to reviewers.

  1. Summary structure and descriptors

2.1 Abstract: the text must contain an abstract of up to 250 words in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Abstracts must be structured as described below:

  • Original article: Objetivos, Métodos, Resultados e Conclusões, Abstract: Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Resumen: Objetivos, Métodos, Resultados, Conclusiones.

2.2 Descriptors (palavras-chave, keywords and palabras clave). Descriptors are limited to six; they must be separated by semicolons and appear, in the three languages, in the “Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCs)”, published annually and available at the address by BIREME/PAHO/WHO.

  1. Body text

3.1 Systematic review: must contain a maximum of 5,000 words (excluding tables and references) and present a maximum of 80 references. The total number of tables and figures must not exceed five. The systematic review text must follow a structured format with Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and/or Conclusion. The PROSPERO registration number must be described in the method. 

3.2 Originals: must contain a maximum of 3,000 words (excluding tables and references) and a maximum of 40 references. The total number of tables and figures must not exceed five. The text of the original article must follow a structured format with Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and/or Conclusion. In the methods section, the approval number of the Research Ethics Committee must appear.

3.3 Introduction: Pertinent to the content of the work. Describe the state of knowledge on the subject, updated content. References must be cited correctly and numbered in order of appearance. In the last paragraph insert the clearly formulated objectives of the work.  

3.4 Methods: Describe the study design, internal validity and reproducibility. The characterization and size of the sample, as well as the choice of statistical analysis. Approval by the Research Ethics Committee through the numbers of the CAAE and the opinion, and the ethical precepts involved in the research, are mandatory items.  

3.5 Results: They must be presented in an organized, logical and appropriate way for the type of work. They must have internal consistency. Tables and graphs must be clear and necessary, without duplication of information. Captions for tables and figures must be self-explanatory. The figures must be unpublished or the source and the form of permission of the original publication must be cited.  

3.6 Discussion and/or Conclusion: There should be no presentation of results in the discussion and no results that have not been presented should be discussed. The results should really be discussed, not just presented in this topic. The results must be compared and interpreted in relation to the consulted literature. In the penultimate paragraph, the limitations of the study should be discussed. In the last paragraph, the conclusions must be presented and justified by the data according to the objectives.  

3.7 Tables, graphs, charts and figures: All tables, graphs, charts and figures should be numbered in order of appearance in the text, in Arabic numbers (Table 1, Table 2, …) (Graph 1, Graph 2, …) (Chart 1, Chart 2, …) (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and the text must contain the indication of each. Tables, graphs, charts and figures should be placed at the end of the main document, with their numbers and labels at the bottom. Subtitles should be succinct but self-explanatory, with clear information, so as not to consult the text.  

  1. Acknowledgments (optional)

Presented at the end of the text (before the references), they must be brief and objective, including only the people or institutions that contributed to the study.

  1. References

The following norms, of references in the biomedical area, refer to the Vancouver Group, of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, available at the PUCRS Library for consultation ( and through the link  www.icmje.orgVancouver -General Rules

  1. Mini-CV

"Author's Name Master/Doctor/etc in xxxxxxx from xxxxxx University (acronym), city, state, country. Professor at xxxxxx University (acronym), city, state, country."


The editor is responsible for the initial evaluation of the manuscript and all articles will go through a plagiarism identification program. From the initial positive evaluation, the manuscript is sent to blind peer review.  

Ethical infractions will be judged by the journal's Editorial Board. Denouncements of ethical infractions can be communicated by any person at any time, through the email  

The editors and the Editorial Board are responsible for preserving the ethical aspects of PAJAR and must resolve any conflicts in a transparent manner, always aiming at maintaining the journal's credibility.  

Ethical infractions relate to: duplicate publication, plagiarism, data fabrication, issues related to authorship, conflicts of interest not mentioned, misappropriation of ideas or data by a reviewer, and other ethical issues related to the research.  

Editors will follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) dispute resolution stream to investigate and resolve issues. PAJAR's Editorial Team will publish, whenever necessary, errata, retractions and expressions of concern about published material.  

Last update: 03/21/2023

Original Article

Original article: must contain a maximum of 3,000 words (excluding tables and references) and a maximum of 40 references. The total number of tables and figures must not be greater than five. The text of the original article should follow a structured format with Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and / or Conclusion.

Characteristics of the Section:

  • All information required for submission is described in the Guidelines.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.