Perceived control in caregivers of the elderly in the family context: associated variables




caregivers, elderly, religion, adaptation, psychological.


The present study had as objectives to test an explanatory model of the sense of control of elderly caregivers of the elderly and to compare the frequency of responses in sense of control considering the sample responses in frailty, burden, religiosity, gender and age. A total of 148 elderly caregivers participated, being 77% women and average age of 70 years. Sense of control (Scale CASP-19), frailty, burden (Zarit Burden Interview) and religiosity (DUKE Religious Index) were evaluated. The path analysis model showed that increased sense of control was associated with increasing age (β = 0.209) through increased organizational religiosity (β = 0.206), and was also associated with decreased burden (β = -0.375). The chi-square test showed that the elderly who reported low burden (p <0.001) and high organizational religiosity (p = 0.002) presented high sense of control. Data revealed that oldest elderly caregivers who attended religious meetings and who perceived themselves less burdened by the care situation had a greater sense of control.


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Author Biographies

Larissa Centofanti Lemos, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP

Mestrado em Gerontologia (UNICAMP).

Samila Sathler Tavares Batistoni, Universidade de São Paulo, SP

Doutorado em Educação – UNICAMP.

Meire Cachioni, Universidade de São Paulo, SP

Doutorado em Educação – UNICAMP.

Anita Liberalesso Neri, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP

Doutorado em Psicologia Escolar e do Desenvolvimento Humano (USP).


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How to Cite

Lemos, L. C., Batistoni, S. S. T., Cachioni, M., & Liberalesso Neri, A. (2020). Perceived control in caregivers of the elderly in the family context: associated variables. Psico, 51(1), e33690.



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