Risk for the development of cognitive disorder in a group of active elderly





aged, comprehensive health care, neurocognitive disorders, risk factors, mental status and dementia tests, social work


Objective: present the factors involved in the risk for the emergence of cognitive disorders in a group of active elderly people who participate in an Elderly Living Center located on the east side of the city of São Paulo.
Methods: research developed from the application of an interdisciplinary assessment to 68 active elderly between the months of January to July 2019. Sociodemographic, functionality and morbidity data were collected, using the Mini-Mental State Examination instrument for the categorization of two groups: elderly with risk and elderly without risk of cognitive disorders. These groups were then compared.
Results: it was observed that 38.2% of the elderly participants were at risk for cognitive disorders and that the variable advanced age had a significant association with this risk: advancing age increases the risk for the outcome by 1.10 times. There was also controversial data regarding excess weight, which was inversely associated with the studied outcome.
Conclusion: for this group of elderly people, advanced age has been shown to be a risk factor associated with the development of cognitive disorder, as opposed to being overweight.


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How to Cite

Manso, M. E. G., Francisco, C. M., Torres, R. L., Camargo, M. da R., Oliveira, H. S. B., Lopes, D. O. P., & Queiroz, R. D. da S. (2020). Risk for the development of cognitive disorder in a group of active elderly. PAJAR - Pan American Journal of Aging Research, 8(1), e37867. https://doi.org/10.15448/2357-9641.2020.1.37867



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