Graduate Program Master’s Degree in Gerontology of the Federal University of Santa Maria/RS


  • Marco Aurelio de Figueiredo Acosta Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Graduate, Gerontology, University.


Goal: This article aims to present the Graduate Program Master’s Degree in Gerontology of the Federal University of Santa Maria/RS. Description of the case. The Masters in Gerontology UFSM began operations in 2014, linked to the Physical Education Sports Center and Sports Centers the Federal University of Santa Maria. It represented a step forward in the journey of the Program Integrated of Studies and Support for the Elderly – NIEATI, that for three decades develops projects and actions with older people. Its structure includes two lines of research, and it takes 25 credits to complete the course. Set in the interdisciplinary field, encompassing various professions and different universities. Conclusions. The Masters in Gerontology UFSM contributes to other initiatives in our country, and considers the trajectory with aging issues in UFSM.


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How to Cite

Acosta, M. A. de F. (2015). Graduate Program Master’s Degree in Gerontology of the Federal University of Santa Maria/RS. PAJAR - Pan American Journal of Aging Research, 2(2), 99–103.