Black women

Echoes in historiography




Woman, Black, Historiography


This article aims to highlight black women in the history of Brazil from a historiographic analysis, having as its starting point the premise that our country is marked by violence undertaken to this portion of the population that sees itself pushed by the reality of subalternization since the time of colonization. By mapping these created narratives that center on the black woman as a historical subject, we will understand what were the paths and mishaps faced and also how developed the forms of resistance found to ensure their survival, of their families and communities. However, we point out that it is not possible to think black women without inserting them in the markers of gender and race, stressing on the latter that historical studies can and should view racial groups as heterogeneous, taking into account the existence of multiple ethnic identities and thus seeking the understanding of their specificities that must be observed in the light of the historicity regime from which racialized groups are entrenched. Thereby, the decolonial perspective and black feminism will help us to reflect aspects inherent to the movement of brazilian black women who over time never conformed to the place of oppression and who through confrontations and struggles aimed to transform their realities.


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Author Biography

Taynara Rafaela dos Santos, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

Graduada em História pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), em São Paulo, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, T. R. (2021). Black women: Echoes in historiography. Oficina Do Historiador, 14(1), e40419.



Dossiê: Mulheres Atlânticas