The eco of the 2018 elections in cyberspace

The voices of the streets on the networks (and vice versa)




Elections 2018, #HeNo, Social media


The growth of social movements such as Feminism has been remarkable. Removing conservative perspectives on it, its need, legitimacy, and importance, as well as advances and achievements, are undeniable. The changes we are going through due to the intensive insertion of the internet in our daily lives are also being reflected in the ways of struggle, debate, and expression. In this sense, it is also notable the growing number of women engaged, organized by their rights and how this enhances the political strength of these organizations. Manuel Castells (2012) states that the intrinsic relationship between socio-political actions that start on social networks and impact cohesive and politically engaged crowds are causing these huge changes in the political-institutional direction. It is from this perspective that we intend to understand the articulation that occurred in the 2018 Elections in Brazil. In this sense, we will look at the movement carried out by women, known as “Ele Não”, and the articulations made by supporters of the then candidate Jair Bolsonaro.


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Author Biography

Diulia Soares, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil.

Mestranda em Ciências Humanas pela Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), em Chapecó, SC, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Soares, D. (2021). The eco of the 2018 elections in cyberspace: The voices of the streets on the networks (and vice versa). Oficina Do Historiador, 14(1), e39422.



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