CPERS, “petismo” and Legisltative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul

Disputes over the representantion of the union movement of teachers from Rio Grande do Sul with the Workers Party in Olivio Dutra Government (1999-2002)





Government Olívio Dutra, Legislative Assembly, CPERS


Our objective in this article is to analyze how the opposition tried to explore the relationship between the CPERS and the state government during the period in which Olívio Dutra (PT) led the Rio Grande do Sul executive. newspapers (Correio do Povo and Zero Hora newspapers) and speeches given by parliamentarians in the floor of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (1999-2002). For this analysis, we rely on the theoretical contribution of bourdesian sociology to understand the symbolic struggle between the benches and their agents. We start from the premise that the government was a minority in parliament and, therefore, had to face an opposition that aimed to reverse the rise of the PT in the regional political field. In addition, we consider the fact that social movements serve as an important resource of the governing microcosm, which provided the conversion into political capital for it, explaining part of its rise despite the extra-parliamentary origin of the party in the period of redemocratization.


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Author Biography

Rafael Saraiva Lapuente, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Doutorando em História na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).


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How to Cite

Lapuente, R. S. (2020). CPERS, “petismo” and Legisltative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul: Disputes over the representantion of the union movement of teachers from Rio Grande do Sul with the Workers Party in Olivio Dutra Government (1999-2002) . Oficina Do Historiador, 13(2), e33627. https://doi.org/10.15448/2178-3748.2020.2.33627


