Multiple transformations in Pessach: a travessia by Carlos Heitor Cony




Military dictatorship. Novel of formation. Sociopolitical engagement. Judaism.


The purpose of this article is to explore the personal transformation experienced by the protagonist-narrator of the novel Pesach: a travessia by the Brazilian writer Carlos Heitor Cony, whose plot takes place in the first years after the military coup of 1964. The analysis is based on the understanding of this book as a novel of formation (Bildungsroman) and on its insertion in the fifth type of this genre distinguished by Bakhtin, characterized by the connection of the protagonist’s formation with the historical developments. We observe three types of transformation of the protagonist in the Cony’s novel – towards his sociopolitical engagement, artistic commitment and pursuit of Jewish roots – and we analyze them in close relation with the historical moment Brazil was going through.


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How to Cite

Burianová, Z. (2019). Multiple transformations in Pessach: a travessia by Carlos Heitor Cony. Navegações, 12(1), e33548.


