Other epistemologies - multiple narratives about sex, gender, and social roles





feminist epistemology, African studies, biology


In her article “Visualizing the Body: Western Theories and African Subjects” Oyèrónké Oyěwùmí points out that African Studies continue to be Western-centric, that is, still use operative theories and concepts derived from Western experiences. The first problem she points to is the universalization of social roles and identities rooted in biology. Second, Western culture privileges visual sense over other senses, reducing the body to a marker of differences that imply the exclusion of other narratives about sex, gender, and social roles. Considering the feminist social epistemology of Donna Haraway, that experiential differences lead to differences of perspective and these differences carry epistemic consequences, the aim of this article is to show how her theory about narratives situated is able to contribute so that the difficulties presented by Oyěwùmí will be replaced in a broader epistemological scenario. What are the limitations that Western-centric epistemology has submitted not only other epistemologies, but have also limited the expansion of narratives in the West?


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Author Biography

Caroline Izidoro Marim, Universidade Federal de Pernambucano

Pós-doutora PNPD/Capes no PPGFIL UFSC/SC (2014-2016. Professora substituta do Departamento de Filosofia da UFPE/PE até 2018, onde desenvolve pesquisa no campo da Filosofia das emoções (metaética, filosofia da ação, ética e estética). Doutora em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2006-2010) e University of Oxford, Inglaterra (2008-2009). Possui graduação e mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Tem experiência na área de Filosofia Geral, com ênfase em Ética Aplicada, Ética Contemporânea, Metaética e Estética. Foi bolsista de doutorado sanduíche- CNPq, na University of Oxford, junto ao UEHIRO Centre of Practical Ethics nos anos de 2008/09 e visitante no MLAG - Mind Language Action Group , Universidade do Porto/Universidade do Porto em 2008. Bailarina Contemporânea, desenvolve pesquisa artística em filosofia e performance.


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How to Cite

Marim, C. I. (2019). Other epistemologies - multiple narratives about sex, gender, and social roles. Intuitio, 12(1), e33205. https://doi.org/10.15448/1983-4012.2019.1.33205