Moral and alienation

An approximation between the young Hegel and Nietzsche




Nietzsche, Moral, Hegel, Alieantion


The pretensions of this work is to present to the lector an aproximation between the moral and the alienation from a dialogue between the young Hegel e Nietzsche. The article general objective is to demonstrate –  beyond the filosofical variance – that the Young Hegel and Niteszche have a common critical core about the moral. As a specific objective, the article intends to demonstrate that this moral critical core passes by, primarily, by the religious criticism and, in special, by the alienation phenomenon. Intending to reach the objectives, we will take for basis, initialy, the alienation as manifestaded by Hegel in yours early theological writings, specialy in the works The Positivity of the Christian Religion and The Spirit of Chistianity and its Fate. Relevant is, in the sequence of the work, the religious criticism made by Nitezsche in Genalogy of Morals, since it will enable a joint analysis of the two phiolosophies and will take us to a final outcome where, as conclusion, intended to demonstrate that the effects of alienation in the young Hegel have clear similarities to the effects of moral in Nietzsche.


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Author Biography

Felipe Biavati Zandoná,   Universidade do Vale do Rio Sino (Unisinos), São Leopoldo, Rio grande do Sul, Brasil.

Doutor em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil; professor no PPG de Filosofia da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos).


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KRONER, R. Introdução. In: HEGEL, F. Early theological writings. Tradução de T. M. Knox. Nova Iorque, Harper & Brothers, 1961.

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NIETZSCHE, F. Genealogia da moral. Tradução de Inês A. Lohbauer, São Paulo: Martin Claret, 2017.

HOULGATE, S. Hegel, Nietzsche and the criticism of metaphysics. 1ª Ed. Nova Iorque. Cambridge University Press, 1986,



How to Cite

Biavati Zandoná, F. (2020). Moral and alienation: An approximation between the young Hegel and Nietzsche. Intuitio, 13(2), e37034.


