The antifetishist critic of Enrique Dussel




Antifetishist. Religion. Exteriority. Capitalism.


This article presents the basis of the antifetishist critique elaborated by Enrique Dussel. For Dussel, the anti-intellectualism par excellence does not go by the name of "ideology", but of "fetish". The fetishist inversion is what transforms the human being, the subject, into things and things into subjects, divining the produced, the human work, and relativizing the absolute, the human life. Criticism of any political and economic system, if one wants to be radical, must then denounce the fetishistic aspects of these systems, that means, the moments in which they become autonomous and do not make reference to the human life in which they originate and of which depend.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, T. dos S. (2019). The antifetishist critic of Enrique Dussel. Intuitio, 12(2), e34327.