Otherwise than Being: some remarks about the portuguese translation of Autrement qu'être ou au-delà de l'essence


  • Tiago dos Santos Rodrigues Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Mestrando.




Levinas, tradução, ética, Dizer.


The article aims to present the collation accomplished between the original book from the Lithuanian-French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas (Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence) and his translation into Portuguese (De outro modo que ser ou para lá da essência), which is the first translation into the Camoes idiom. The text shows some limitation of that translation such as no translated stretches and equivocated kinds of translation. The original text is undoubtedly hermetic. Levinas has written your book looking for an own language that as possible as could not be contaminated by the ontology. For that he has expressed himself in a concrete way without any kind of loss of philosophical accuracy. The translation unjustified has undone this Levinas work, which is not only a literary style but even book content.


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Author Biography

Tiago dos Santos Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Mestrando.

Mestre em filosofia (PUCRS), doutorando em filosofia (PUCRS). E-mail:[email protected]


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, T. dos S. (2018). Otherwise than Being: some remarks about the portuguese translation of Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence. Intuitio, 11(1), 86–104. https://doi.org/10.15448/1983-4012.2018.1.25585