“Inhabitants of this Black Ethiopia, Descendants of Ham” – Ham’s Curse in the Missionary Literature on the Central-Western Region of the African Continent (16th-17th Centuries)


  • Carlos Almeida Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa




capuchin missionaries, Central Africa, slavery, travel literature.


The topic of Ham’s curse was an important tool in the construction of European thinking on the otherness of the African and, in particular, as a strategy for the justification of slavery and slave trade. The central-western region of the African continent was both the region most intensely involved in the slave trade and the one where the cultural relationship with Europe proved to be more lasting. This paper analise the use of the topos of the Ham curse in the missionary literature on the centralwestern region of the African continent. It sustains the idea that Ham’s curse, apart from being an instrument of legitimization of the slave trade, is an aggregate axis of the multiple facets of the social and cultural reality of the region which the missionaries considered to be proper of an uncivil living and which to eradicate as a fondamental requirement for the conversion of Africans.


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Author Biography

Carlos Almeida, Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa




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How to Cite

Almeida, C. (2018). “Inhabitants of this Black Ethiopia, Descendants of Ham” – Ham’s Curse in the Missionary Literature on the Central-Western Region of the African Continent (16th-17th Centuries). Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 44(3), 409–420. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2018.3.29579



Dossier: Colors, Classifications and Social Categories: Africans in the Iberian Empires, 16th to the 19th Centuries