Testimony and crimes against humanity from Hannah Arendt's perspective


  • Claudia Perrone-Moisés University of São Paulo
  • Laura Mascaro University of São Paulo




Testimony, Crime against humanity.


Considering the emergence of testimony as a fundamental source of history and shared memory after the Second World War, this article intends to discuss the role of testimony in Arendt’s theory, considering, on the one hand, her criticism of the use of testimonies in the Eichmann trial and, on the other hand, the importance narrative, memory and metaphor acquire in her work. This discussion casts a lighton the role of testimonies inhistorical trialsconcerning crimes against humanity.


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Author Biography

Claudia Perrone-Moisés, University of São Paulo

Claudia Perrone-Moises, professora associada do Departamento de Direito Internacional e Comparado da Universidade de São Paulo(USP)

Laura D. M. Mascaro, advogada, mestre em Filosofia do Direito e doutoranda em Literatura Francesa na USP. Pesquisadora associada da Paris III e bolsista Capes.


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How to Cite

Perrone-Moisés, C., & Mascaro, L. (2017). Testimony and crimes against humanity from Hannah Arendt’s perspective. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 43(3), 574–580. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2017.3.25880



Dossier: Amor Mundi – Actuality and Reception of Hannah Arendt’s Work