Continuing Education in Social Work: an experience in construction


  • Marilene Maia
  • Rosangela Barbiani


This work talks and discusses the theme of continuous formation, from the dialogue and participation between professionals knowledge and constructed practice in day by day work. In this point, there appeared the Fórum Permanente de Formação de Assistentes Sociais (Permanent Forum of Formation of Social Works) an experience which has never been seen at Unisinos (Universidade do Vale dos Sinos). This space and process of formation was based on the necessity and the interests of the students from the course of Social Work in continuing their theoretical and methodological qualification of the work processes in professional field. This text discusses this experience, which privileged focus in knowledge and action are professional practices, continuous formation ground, construction of new knowledge and new reflexive practices, new and autonomous.
Key-words: Continuous formation. Professional formation. Professional practices. Social work.


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How to Cite

Maia, M., & Barbiani, R. (2006). Continuing Education in Social Work: an experience in construction. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 2(1), 1–7. Retrieved from



Social Work, trajectory and education