Vitimizing and vitimization of children and adolescents: expressions of social issue and object of intervention of Social Work


  • Jaina Raqueli Pedersen PUCRS


Sexual violence against children and teenagers is one expression of the social question, and therefore, object of Social Work. To understand this violence as a form of victimization of the youth population either by abuse or sexual exploitation, we need to consider the changes in the family throughout the history and the new configurations of current society, taking into consideration the process of “victimation” that she is within, this means, a context marked by structural violence, constituted by the bourgeoisie society. These transformations that impact on the family throughout the history is mainly related to social, political, economic and cultural changes that occur in society, so we need to analyze the process of victimization of youth and children population linked to their vitimation and their family’s.

Key words – Sexual violence. Family. Social Work


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How to Cite

Pedersen, J. R. (2009). Vitimizing and vitimization of children and adolescents: expressions of social issue and object of intervention of Social Work. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 8(1), 104–122. Retrieved from



Families and violences