Life is but a dream: ghost ships and uncommon communities in Opisanie świata




uncommon communities, foreign, Opisanie świata.


This essay aims to examine my own fictional production, having as a guide the notion of “uncommon communities”, theme of the APSA congress in 2016, where I originally presented this text as one of the keynotespeaker of the meeting. The idea is to analyze how the characters of the novel Opisanie świata constitute what we can call a community of uncommons, instead of an uncommon community. A community of uncommons has as its sole point of contact the fact that everyone is in transit, i. e., that everyone is out of their place of origin. That is to say that what brings them together is not something of the order of identity, but of the order of non-beloning.


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Author Biography

Veronica Antonine Stigger, Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado

Professora das Pós-Graduações Lato Sensu em História da Arte, em Fotografia e em Práticas Curatoriais


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How to Cite

Stigger, V. A. (2018). Life is but a dream: ghost ships and uncommon communities in Opisanie świata. Letras De Hoje, 53(4), 469–475.



Entre o Provisório e o Consensual: a Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea