Effects of inhibition on naming in aging


  • Yael Neumann Queens College, City University of New York 65-30 Kissena Boulevard Queens, NY 11367 Tel.: 718-997-5061
  • Amy Vogel-Eyny Graduate Center, City University of New York
  • Dalia Cahana-Amitay VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University School of Medicine
  • Avron Spiro VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston University School of Medicine, and Goldman School of Dental Medicine
  • JungMoon Hyun Graduate Center, City University of New York, VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University School of Medicine
  • Marting L. Albert VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University School of Medicine
  • Loraine K. Obler Graduate Center, City University of New York, VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University School of Medicine



Palabras clave:

Intrusions, Speeded Naming, Aging, Inhibitory Control, Language.


Findings regarding the relation between naming and inhibition among older adults is limited. We posited inhibitory control is crucial for successful naming and tested its role in older adults by exaggerating its effects. Participants included 215 older adults aged 55-89 years, categorized as “good” or ”poor” namers, based on confrontation naming scores. Via a computerized speeded picture-naming test (SNT), we induced intrusions. We then determined the distance between the source for the intruding word and the current item. Performance on traditional neuropsychological tests of inhibition was also assessed. Results revealed that poorer namers had more intrusions on the SNT than better namers, and their intrusions lingered through more stimuli. This suggests that poorer namers experienced greater retrieval inhibition difficulties than better namers. Performance on neuropsychological tests of inhibition also discriminated between better and poorer namers. In conclusion, successful naming among older adults appears to rely heavily on maintaining inhibitory abilities.


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Biografía del autor/a

Yael Neumann, Queens College, City University of New York 65-30 Kissena Boulevard Queens, NY 11367 Tel.: 718-997-5061

Yael Neumann, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an Associate professor in the Department of Linguistics and Communication Disorders at Queens College of the City University of New York.  Her research focuses on generating studies that could lead to more effective treatment models for aphasia and similar disorders. Dr. Neumann has presented numerous papers and seminars at national and international meetings on topics related to aphasia and healthy aging.


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Cómo citar

Neumann, Y., Vogel-Eyny, A., Cahana-Amitay, D., Spiro, A., Hyun, J., Albert, M. L., & Obler, L. K. (2018). Effects of inhibition on naming in aging. Letras De Hoje, 53(1), 13–23. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2018.1.28654



Linguagem na perspectiva da Psico/Neurolinguística e da Neurociência Cognitiva