Language policies of a Calon gypsy community in Sergipe

Protagonism and the deconstruction of stereotypes




language policies, language rights, gypsy languages, customs, Calón gypsy community


In this text, we present and analyze the language policies of a Calón gypsy community established in the municipality of Itabaianinha-SE. For doing so, we rely on Spolsky’s (2004, 2016) and Bonacina-Pugh’s (2012) theoretical works concerning the notions of declared language policies, perceived language policies, and practiced language policies; in the framework of invented tradition (HOBSBAWM; RANGER, 2008); and in the notion of stigma (GOFFMAN; 1988). Our analysis focuses on the following elements: the meaning of gypsy language and the relationship between language, identity, and invented tradition; the role of stigma and secrecy as evaluative dimensions; the practices of language transmission and the teaching of the language; and the role played by rites in the configuration of language practices. We also consider the national legislation and legal-political initiatives, as well as the community’s beliefs/values and customs regarding their language practices, especially the role played by the secret language as a regulator of the practiced language policies. The research includes a bibliographic survey and field research carried out in 2020-2021, with interviews, observation, and journal entries, focusing on the role of engaged research in the construction of knowledge about the language policies of the community. We argue that language policies should consider the perspective of the community’s experience – and its customs – as guiding elements to define what counts as language and its revitalization, thus contributing to the deconstruction of stereotypes involving gypsy communities and their languages in Brazil. We registered the importance of public policies and the mobilization of the local community for the processes of deconstructing prejudices and stereotypes.


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Author Biographies

Josefa Felix do Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil.

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), em Aracaju, SE, Brasil. Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), em Florianópolis, SC, Brasil; Professora de língua portuguesa do Município de Itabaianinha, SE, Brasil.

Cristine Gorski Severo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil.

Doutora em Linguística e em Ciências Humanas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), em Florianópolis, SC, Brasil; pós-doutorado em Políticas Linguísticas pela Universidade Estadual da Pensilvânia (Penn State), State College, Estados Unidos. Docente da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), em Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. Líder do grupo de Políticas Linguísticas Críticas.


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How to Cite

Felix do Nascimento, J., & Gorski Severo, C. (2023). Language policies of a Calon gypsy community in Sergipe: Protagonism and the deconstruction of stereotypes. Letras De Hoje, 58(1), e43500.



Dossier: Discriminative Discourses as a Fracture of Brazilian Society