The uncanny in Stardust: intermidiatic analysis




Weird. Stardust. Neil Gaiman.


This work discusses some aspects related to the uncanny on the movie adaptation of Stardust, a novel of Neil Gaiman. The work of Linda Hutcheon on the theory of adaptation is used in an attempt to ascertain the features of approximation and deviation between both products. Concerning the uncanny, this work begins with Tzvetan Todorov’s reflection on the fantastic, its unfolding on Remo Ceserani’s and David Roas’s work, arriving, at last, on Flávio Garcia’s developed work on the uncanny. Regarding method, the present paper weaves a short comparison to reach its goal of showing similarities and differences between the adapted works to different art languages.


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How to Cite

de Almeida, R. C., & Cavalheiro, M. G. (2020). The uncanny in Stardust: intermidiatic analysis. Letras De Hoje, 55(1), e33394.



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