For a poetics of displacements. Space and politics in: A república dos sonhos by Nélida Piñon




space, politics, displacements, narrativity, novel, narrative.


This paper offers a characterization of A república dos sonhos by Nélida Piñon. It demonstrates how the narrative plot and the mechanisms of textual enunciation are conditioned by space, by the daily routine, and by the politics. From the analysis and description of this novel, it is shown how these elements allow developing a transversal reading that evidences how the literary discourses of the last decades are configured as spaces of nomadic representation. This reading requires a description of the configuration of the space and the routine within the novel, which leads to an evaluation of the relationship between literature and politics; a controversial and litigious relation that involves symbolic displacements, identities of enunciation and writing. Thus, “the poetics of displacement” shows how a literary text is resignified by the dialogue and by a fundamentally transgressive character, characteristic of hybrid artistic forms that overcome the limits of representation when stages space, the politics, history, and intrahistory.


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Author Biography

Jesús Arellano, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela/ Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Becario OEA-2018. Doctorado en Estrudios Literarios, Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais

Maestia en Literatura Iberoamericana, Universiadad de Los Andes, Venezuela (2017)

Lic. en Letras: Mención Lengua y Literatura Hispanomaericana y Venezolana (2013)

Pro. en la Facultad de Arte de la Universiad de Los Andes (2016-2018)



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How to Cite

Arellano, J. (2018). For a poetics of displacements. Space and politics in: A república dos sonhos by Nélida Piñon. Letras De Hoje, 53(4), 508–516.



Entre o Provisório e o Consensual: a Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea