Sentence disambiguation in the phonology-syntax-semantic interface


  • Gabriel de Ávila Othero Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS
  • Mariana Terra Teixeira Yale University, New Haven, CT, Estados Unidos da América e Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS



Syntactic ambiguity, Syntactic parsing, Phonology-syntax-semantics interface


We start from the results presented by Angelo & Santos (2017) on the disambiguation of sentences based on prosodic clues to try to clarify an issue that was unsolved in their research. The authors applied a comprehension task regarding sentences with NP1-V-NP2-Attribute structure (e.g. O pai visitou o filho feliz, ‘The father visited the son happy’ – ambiguous structure in Portuguese). One of their conclusions was that syllable stretching in the NP2 formed distinct prosodic domains between NP2 and the Attribute ([visitou o filhoϕ] [felizϕ], ‘[visited the sonφ] [happyφ]’), and that favors a non-local interpretation of the Attribute (one in which the Attribute is interpreted as modifying the subject, NP1, and not object, NP2). However, the authors noticed
a variation between interpretations with local and nonlocal apposition in the comprehension of sentences without prosodic elongation. That is, according to the authors, the absence of prosodic marking would not favor one or the other interpretation, whereas elongated prosodic marking would favor a non-local interpretation. In our work, we argue that the disambiguation of this type of sentence depends basically on the resolution of a conflict between three different
grammatical principles that are acting together in the disambiguation of sentences with this structure: a prosodic principle, a syntactic-computational principle and a semantic-pragmatic principle. In order to prove our point, we developed an off-line sentence comprehension test and applied it to 270 informants. Our results point to an interaction between these three principles
in the resolution of the ambiguity of these sentences.


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How to Cite

Othero, G. de Ávila, & Teixeira, M. T. (2018). Sentence disambiguation in the phonology-syntax-semantic interface. Letras De Hoje, 53(1), 109–118.



Linguagem na perspectiva da Psico/Neurolinguística e da Neurociência Cognitiva

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