An overview of the 70s generation in Ecuador: Teoría del desencanto de Raúl Pérez Torres


  • Leonardo Monroy Zuluaga Universidad del Tolima



Ecuatorian novel, Raúl Pérez Torres


This article interprets the novel Teoría del desencanto by the Ecuadorian writer Raúl Pérez Torres. The purpose of this analysis is to know, by mean of a hermeneutic lecture in the way of Schlegel, some of the most important meanings suggests by the novel, focused on the generation of 1970s decade in Ecuador. Some of this meanings are: the questioning of theory using some narrative strategies that confronts impartiality of conventional science. The image of Quito, a city that have suffered several and chaotic changes and have become a place in which is impossible to have a shelter. The deception produced both for unreliable promises of Marxism and fragile projects of contra culture. In the last part of this article, the analysis proposed that Teoría del desencanto resolved the conflicts of seventies generation criticizing and almost destroying all the memories of that turbulence age.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Monroy Zuluaga, Universidad del Tolima

Profesor Asociado. Universidad del Tolima

Doctor en Literatura de la Universidad de Antioquia.

Magister en Literatura del Instituto Caro y Cuervo


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How to Cite

Zuluaga, L. M. (2018). An overview of the 70s generation in Ecuador: Teoría del desencanto de Raúl Pérez Torres. Letras De Hoje, 52(4), 422–428.



Literature in Spanish Language: Novels and Short Stories