Goal and Memory: Soccer on Narrative in Spanish of the 21st Century





Soccer and Literature, Narrative in Spanish, Sentimental Memory


Soccer is an account that the supporter needs to keep in his memory. Literature provides the football with the creation of a symbolic universe that transcends the events of the field. This paper presents an overview through the soccer narrative in Spanish of 21st century, highlighting its main dynamics, authors and works. Short story and novel coexist during these years with hybrid forms between the essay and fiction. Writers on both sides of the Atlantic consolidate the literary treatment of soccer as a source of aesthetic and sentimental inquiry. The goal, for most of them, can be epiphany, passion and metaphor.


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Author Biography

David García Cames, Universidad de Salamanca

Doctor en "Español: investigación avanzada en Lengua y Literatura" por la Universidad de Salamanca con la tesis La jugada de todos los tiempos: Mito y fútbol en la literatura hispánica, dirigida por los profesores Javier Sánchez Zapatero y José Antonio Pérez Bowie.


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How to Cite

Cames, D. G. (2018). Goal and Memory: Soccer on Narrative in Spanish of the 21st Century. Letras De Hoje, 52(4), 494–502. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2017.4.26875



Literature in Spanish Language: Novels and Short Stories