On the tradition of memoirs writing in Brazil


  • Sheila Dias Maciel Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso


Brazilian literature, Memoirs, Literary Historiography



This study presents a reflection on the writing of memoirs in Brazil in an attempt to discuss an assertion by Afrânio Coutinho (1969) about the absence of such a tradition in our country. The analysis presented is based on a sequence of literary works - Memórias (1948), by Visconde de Taunay; Memórias do Cárcere (1953), by Graciliano Ramos; Um homem sem profissão (1954), by Oswald de Andrade; Meus verdes anos (1956), by José Lins do Rego; Solo de Clarineta (1974-1976), by Érico Veríssimo; Navegação de Cabotagem (1992), by Jorge Amado e Quase memória: quase-romance (1995), by Carlos Heitor Cony. The main theoretical background is based on Jacques Le Goff (2003), Alba Olmi (2006) and Anna Caballé (1991). By pointing out the idiosyncrasies of each work in relation to the representation of the past, it is possible to observe a continuous tradition of memoirs writing in the Brazilian literary historiography.


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How to Cite

Maciel, S. D. (2013). On the tradition of memoirs writing in Brazil. Letras De Hoje, 48(4), 551–558. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/ojs/index.php/fale/article/view/15462



Autobiografia e percursos teóricos