Profile of the users treated in a Basic Health Unit in Ananindeua (Para-Brazil)


  • Lorena Margalho Sousa UFPA
  • Lorena Colares Maranhão UFPA
  • Kamille Martins de Oliveira UFPA
  • Leandro Silva Figueredo UFPA
  • Danielle de Moraes Rodrigues UFPA
  • Carla Andréa Avelar Pires UFPA



unified health system, primary health care, health education, public health


Introduction: The user´s satisfaction assessment in relation to the health services may be an important tool for planning strategies to overcome some of the barriers in the Family Health Strategy. Objectives: To evaluate the profile of the primary care public attended in the Basic Health Unit in the city of Ananindeua (Para) and their degree of satisfaction with the services provided. Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study, using a qualitative/quantitative approach. For that, we have used a standard questionnaire to evaluate the Family Health Strategy users in Ananindeua (Para). Results: The clientele was predominantly female, aged between 60 to 70 years old. 64.4% of respondents reported to have a chronic disease, with a higher prevalence of hypertension (62.5%). In relation to the grades that the users applied to the SUS (unified health system) services, manly regarding the basic unit in question, on a scale of zero to ten, it was observed that 21.9% of the respondents have scored ten for the services. On the other hand, a significant number of users (10.4%) applied a zero score. When they were asked about their monthly expenses with medications, 40.2% said they spend nothing because they were able to get medications in the unit. Conclusion: The user’s opinion about the health services shows that, even if some are satisfied, there is still a considerable part assigning a zero score to the services, which indicates the need for adjustments and improvements. The study also contributed to a better knowledge about some user’s epidemiological characteristics, such as smoking habits, alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle.

Author Biographies

Lorena Margalho Sousa, UFPA

Acadêmica de medicina. Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA).

Lorena Colares Maranhão, UFPA

Acadêmica de medicina. Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Kamille Martins de Oliveira, UFPA

Acadêmica de enfermagem. Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA).

Leandro Silva Figueredo, UFPA

Acadêmico de medicina. Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA).

Danielle de Moraes Rodrigues, UFPA

Enfermeira. Preceptora de um projeto do governo federal e da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA).

Carla Andréa Avelar Pires, UFPA

Médica. Mestre em doenças tropicais. Coordenadora de um projeto do governo federal e da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA).





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