Educational program through work for health: an experience report


  • Jeferson Santos Araujo
  • Glenda Marreira Vidal
  • Felipe Nunes Brito
  • Clisse Michele Rodrigues Alves
  • Djeane Kathe Mascote Leite
  • Claudia Daniele Tavares Dutra UFPA
  • Carla Andréa Avelar Pires



public health, teaching, health


Objective: This study aims to describe an experience for students about teamwork in relation to the proposed program of education through work for health. Description of experience: The students had the opportunity to experience, even before their formation, the operating process of multidisciplinary teams in relation to the context of the family health strategy reality, implementing community care actions and strengthening the tripod teaching, research and extension. Conclusion: The teamwork experience in the program is still incipient, but presents itself as a model of care to be reproduced by managers, allowing students to expand their knowledge with early integration in the fields and with the practical experience of new realities and services.

Author Biographies

Jeferson Santos Araujo

Bolsista PET SAÚDE Ananindeua/UFPA

Glenda Marreira Vidal

Bolsista PET SAÚDE Ananindeua/UFPA

Felipe Nunes Brito

Colaborador PET SAÚDE Ananindeua/UFPA

Clisse Michele Rodrigues Alves

Colaborador PET SAÚDE Ananindeua/UFPA

Djeane Kathe Mascote Leite

Enfermeira da Estratégia Saúde da Família Seringal. Preceptor PET SAÚDE Ananindeua/UFPA.

Claudia Daniele Tavares Dutra, UFPA

Profa. da Faculdade de Nutrição/UFPA. Mestrado em Doenças Tropicais NMT/UFPA. Tutora do PET-UFPA/Ananindeua

Carla Andréa Avelar Pires

Profa. da Faculdade de Medicina/UFPA. Mestrado em Doenças Tropicais NMT/UFPA. Coordenadora do PET-UFPA/Ananindeua





Experience Reports