The “casual job” held by military police in the capital of Porto Alegre: implications for intervening factors and consequences


  • Sérgio Augusto Bonfanti PUCRS


Military officers, “casual job”, extra labor activity, military police, server, High school military, graduated military server, Military Brigade.


The present monograph intends to investigate and identify the implications, the intervenient factors and what consequences that the extra labor activities, usually known as “casual job” can cause to military police, to the Military Brigade, and to the society. The research is made in six battalions of the Military Police belonging to the Capital Police Command, placed in Porto Alegre, involving 36 graduated servers (the rank of captain, major and coronel tenant) and 308 with complete high school (soldiers, third-sergeants, second-sergeants, and first sergeants). Initially is analyzed the status of military servers and the military police career. After that is analyzed the exclusive dedication in the legal and moral aspects, the risk that the police officer is submitted during extra working hours and the legal benefits that he loses when does “casual jobs”. It is approached the employment rimrinrelationship with the private individual and it is questioned the trial of regularization and criminalization of the “casual jobs”, as alternatives to the problem. It is discussed the interference of the factors as low salaries, the working hours and the shifts schedule, the extra hours and its available quotas, the tolerance for the “casual job” as well with the military police or the society itself, and the influence of knowledge, experience and authority of the military officer, that makes an attractive to the security private sector. It is registered the consequences generated to the military officer, related to the individual and familiar aspects, to the military policy, due to its image and credibility and the society with relation to the services referred to the public security of Military Brigade. The conclusions were validated on the diagnosis propitiated by the research, pointing suggestions that contemplate the valorization of the military officer through public policies that give them better quality of life to this professional and legitimize the exclusive dedication foreseen by the legislation.

Author Biography

Sérgio Augusto Bonfanti, PUCRS

Major da Brigada Militar, Especialista em Segurança Pública e Justiça Criminal (PUCRS)




