On call


  • Eduardo Bocaccio Mainardi PUCRS
  • Pedro Gerstner da Rosa PUCRS
  • Gilberto Stürmer PUCRS, UFCS e Universidade de Sevilla




Effective working hours. Hours of mere expectation. Readiness system. On call. Compensation. Especific categories.


In readiness system, the employee remains at the workplace, in a room destined to rest or sleep, outside their working hours, waiting to be called to work. In “on notice” regime, the employee stays at home or wherever he understands to, outside his office hours, waiting to be called to work. In both regimes, the mere expectation of being called (either at the workplace – readiness – whether at home/where it wants – guard) has to be compensated in an amount equal to 2/3 (readiness) or 1/3 (on notice) of the hourly wage. If called to work, the worked hours are paid as if they were normal working hours, plus, if applicable, the due additionals (overtime, insalubrity).


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