Night working shift


  • Dimaicon Cima Lima PUCRS
  • Jonathan Vargas Figueiredo PUCRS e UFRGS



Working Hours. Night Additional. Night Work.


The working hours, topic which this magazine approaches, can be characterized as the daily period (day or night) which the worker is available – subordinated to your employer. Within this branch of study of labor law, there is a workday night theme of this article, which takes into account the period of employment works during the night, specifically determined by law, and its consequences within the national legal system. In order to monitor the intense academic study of the nocturnal journey through the fields of the humanities and social sciences – anthropology, sociology, psychology and law – this article also discusses about its origin and historical evolution, the different types of working hours during the night, their characteristics, legal effects and restrictions. In fact, night work deserves attention because it causes intense physical and psychological aggression on people, by supposing the utmost dedication to their physical and mental forces in the period in which the external environment induces rest. Added to this, it also tends to attack with substantial intensity, personal, family and social integration of the individual in micro and macro communities that coexists. The reasons why the Brazilian labor law has always tended to give different treatment to night journeys of work, in contrast to the work done during the day, are extremely important.


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