Constitutional interpretation and sumular innovation on pregnant’s stability in temporary contracts


  • Alexei Almeida Chapper CAPES, PUCRS



Evolutionism. Stability. Pregnant. Constitutional interpretation. Originalism.


Purposes and consequences form the center of the discussion between Stephen Breyer and Antonin Scalia on constitutional interpretation in American democracy. The rationality of judgments and systematic interpretation of law are essential to the proper application of standards and compliance with the constitutional purpose. However, Neuroscience demonstrates that pre-conditions and emotional interpretation bias affects thinking, and therefore, the subjectivity of the judging. Such biases may lead to arbitrariness, especially in the judicial definition of purpose and consequences, which is contrary to the democratic ideal. In this context, this article examines the recent jurisprudential understanding of the Superior Labor Court of Brazil on the stability of the pregnant woman in temporary contracts. It also summarizes the debate between originalism (Scalia) and evolutionism (Breyer) on judicial interpretation, proposing the combination of both to overcome cognitive biases, avoid arbitrariness and perform the constitutional objectives.


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