Academic plagiarism as an ethical, legal and teaching problem


  • Lívia Haygert Pithan PUCRS
  • Tatiane Regina Amando Vidal PUCRS


Plagiarism, Ethics, Copyrights, Professor, Supervisor, Research integrity, Fraud.


The plagiarism problem has been presented as a great reason of concern in the Brazilian academic community. Since 2011 public institutions for the finance of scientific research, such as CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP, have written documents containing guiding lines for Universities to prevent and punish fraud cases, including plagiarism. In the university field, the professor’s educational role towards instructing graduate and postgraduate academic studies is extremely important. However, there is not enough literature about this professor/student instructing relationship. Also, the professor’s instructing duties are not well determined in the little literature found about researching or teaching methods. The present article intends to show a bibliography review of plagiarism, considering it as a complex phenomenon that needs to be analyzed not only through a legal, but also through an interdisciplinary path.

Author Biographies

Lívia Haygert Pithan, PUCRS

Dditor gerente

Tatiane Regina Amando Vidal, PUCRS

Acadêmica do curso de graduação em Direito. Bolsista de iniciação científica do programa BPA-Interesse Institucional/2012.


