Data protection in the consumers: reflexion over paths to effectiveness in Brazil


  • Catarine Gonçalves Acioli PUCRS


Data protection, Consumer, Public policy, “Marco Civil da Internet”.


This study aims to find solutions to the problems surrounding the effectiveness of the right to data protection in consumer relations practiced in electronic media. This is because the Brazilian legal system offered legal treatment is insufficient for that fundamental right, both for having difficulty in recognizing new needs and circumstances of this right, for not offering attention to fulfill the function of protection and promotion related to it. So, it should analyze, before the current paradigm of Brazil, alternative paths, to propose a new interpretation to that right and to make public policies for deployment of digital inclusion quality in order to achieve the effectiveness of the right to protection data efficiently and minimize its risks.

Author Biography

Catarine Gonçalves Acioli, PUCRS

Editor gerente


